100+ Hilarious Tesla Personalized License Plate Ideas for your custom plate

Attention all Tesla owners! Are you tired of the plain and boring license plates on your electric vehicle? Well, have no fear because I’ve scoured the internet to bring you the most clever, funny, and unique personalized license plate ideas for your Tesla.

But before we dive into the ideas, did you know that a Rhode Island judge once allowed a Tesla owner to keep his license plate that read “FKGAS”? The owner argued that the plate was a nod to the electricity used to charge his Tesla, which he dubbed “fake gas”. Now that’s one creative and witty Tesla owner.

So, whether you want to make a statement about the environment, poke fun at gas-guzzling cars, or just show off your love for Tesla, we’ve got you covered with over 100 personalized license plate ideas that will make your EV stand out on the road. Let’s get started!

Best Tesla Personalized License Plate Ideas

Some of the Tesla personalized plate ideas out there are simply genius. It makes you realize that Tesla owners aren’t just environmentally conscious but also quite witty. 

I have compiled a list of seven of the best tesla license plate ideas, along with a brief explanation of each one. 

FKGASThis one was so controversial, that the Tesla owner needed a court order to help him keep it. He says it translates to fake gas, but it can also allude to other terms that degrade gas as an energy source. Pure genius. 
KSMYGASYet another knockout blow against gas. This one is also right on the edge of crossing into vulgar territory. It will rile up some ICE users and draw laughs from fellow Tesla owners. 
REVOLTThis one has a double meaning. It signifies what you do when your car’s out of juice. It also defines the movement against gas power. 
ZEROMPGTrying to stick it to the miles per gallon enthusiasts?  Well, this is the personalized Tesla plate for you. 
ACDCCDThis one’s rather clever as it refers to the different types of electric current associated with Tesla. You charge with AC, and the battery stores and utilizes DC. 
ELONOILElinoil is a petroleum company based in Greece. As we do not need petroleum, we use Elon-Oil. Clean energy from Elon Musk. 
LOL OILSimple yet effective. It’s becoming laughable that people are still reluctant to switch to Teslas. Let your personalized Tesla plate spread the message. 
A Tesla personalized plate should draw emotion from the person reading it. It should evoke laughter, smiles, or joyful bewilderment. Some Tesla personalized plates are provocative but in a cheerful way. 
Photo by Clayton Cardinalli on Unsplash

Most Common and Popular Tesla Vanity Plates

Tesla owners can be quite creative with their vanity plates, but some are so good that you’ll see them in almost every state you visit.

The most common and popular Tesla Vanity plates are in no way boring. Tesla owners love them because they are fun and a tad provocative to ICEs. 

Check out these fun EV license plate ideas:

END OILThe message is pretty straightforward, isn’t it? Prepare for some mean looks from ICE motorists if they can catch up. 
RIP OILEverybody knows that EVs are the future. Keep reminding them with your Tesla vanity plate. 
NIKOLAWe are driving Teslas because of the tireless and innovative work of Nikola Tesla
He wouldn’t mind an appreciation on the plate of your Tesla. 
CH4RGEDTesla keeps advancing with its charging technology, so there’s little chance that you’ll run out of juice. Let them know that your batteries are full. 
AMPD-UPThis plate lets them know that you’ve got plenty of juice in your tank. You know, just in case they think they’re faster off the line. 
CLN PWRAnnounce to the world that your Tesla is doing its part in conserving the environment. 
ELECTRFDAnother popular one that shows yours is no ordinary car. 

Best Tesla Vanity Plates

In my opinion, below are the best Tesla vanity plates out there. 

You don’t have to use them, but they can serve as inspiration for your unique Tesla vanity plates. 

Check out these funny Tesla license plate ideas:

WATTUPPerhaps the most electrifying greeting out there. It can also serve as a call for people to move to electric vehicles – to trade their ICEs for Watt cars. 
CHARGMEIt shows people that your car uses electrical energy. 
HIVLTGYou’ve been warned. That car has electricity running through it. Approach and touch at your own risk. 
FARADAYLike Nikola, Faraday contributed significantly to the understanding of electromagnetism. It’s because of innovators like him that we can drive Teslas today. 
DURACELDuracell prides itself in building long-lasting batteries. Tesla batteries have proven to be quite long-lasting as well. Combine those two, and you get an epic vanity plate. 
PWRPLNTThis plate takes pride in the tons of electrical power flowing through your Tesla. It’s a show-off vanity plate. 
MARSNXTThis plate shows how far Tesla is technological. Tesla owners might be driving cars on the moon very soon. 

Has an idea inspired you? Maybe you need some more vainty plate ideas. Check out some more awesome plates on YouTube:

Laws in Each State Regarding Personalised Number Plates for EVs

Do you have a good vanity plate idea? How do you know if it is legal in your state?

States have differing rules regarding personalized number plates. I have analyzed each state’s laws and placed them in the following table.

AlabamaThe state allows up to seven-letter combinations. 
AlaskaDMV prohibits combinations it deems offensive, vulgar, and illegal. 
ArizonaAny plate combination is legal if approved by the state’s Motor Vehicle Division. The plate can have a maximum of seven characters
ArkansasThe state allows for up to six characters plus a blank space. Offensive combinations will be rejected. 
CaliforniaAny combination of letters and numbers between 2 to 7 characters. It mustn’t be offensive or owned by another person. 
ColoradoCombination of letters between 2 to 7 characters. It mustn’t conflict with any other plate in the state. 
ConnecticutThe state allows up to seven numbers and letters without spacing. It allows one dot that can’t appear at the beginning or end of the plate. 
DelawarePlates must have between 2 to 7 characters. Numerals must be displayed to the right of all letters. Hyphens, ampersands, and spaces are the only punctuation marks allowed. 
District of Columbia The combination should contain up to seven characters, including spaces. Punctuations, symbols, and offensive combinations are prohibited. 
FloridaComplete an application for a personalized license plate and pay an additional fee. The plate will be issued upon approval. 
GeorgiaIt is issued upon payment of a fee on top of the regular registration fee and approval by the commissioner. 
HawaiiLaw limits the plate to six letters. Space is counted as a letter. The punctuation mark allowed is the hyphen, which is considered a letter. 
IdahoThe plate mustn’t exceed seven letters. The state can’t issue two similar plates. 
IllinoisPersonalized plates have both letters and numbers, with the numbers coming after the letters. For vanity plates, you should choose either numbers or letters. 
IndianaState laws only allow numbers and letters with not more than one consecutive space. Minimum of two characters. 
IowaPlate combinations must not be issued to another driver. The number 0 is prohibited to prevent confusion with the letter O. 
KansasMaximum of seven characters, including numbers, letters, and spaces. The number 0 is prohibited
KentuckyThe state allows up to six characters and additional space or dash. 
LouisianaOnly seven characters are allowed and must include two letters. Periods and hyphens are allowed as special characters
MaineThe state allows any three-number and three-letter combination. 
MarylandThe plate must have two to seven characters consisting of numbers or letters. The state can decline a plate if it already exists or carries an obscene message.
MassachusettsThe vanity plate must begin with two letters. Maximum of six characters. State disallows intermixing of letters and numbers. 
MichiganThe plate ordered shouldn’t match an existing plate. A maximum of seven characters is allowed. 
MinnesotaPlates are limited to seven characters. Numbers, spaces, and hyphens are allowed and the plate must have at least one letter
MississippiThe state allows one to pick their preferred combination of letters. The approving body will reject any obscene combination
MissouriThe state decides whether to approve or reject the personalized configuration. It will reject any plate it considers offensive or contemptuous. 
MontanaMaximum of seven characters, with at least two letters. Use of the letter O is prohibited. The state will reject indecent combinations
NebraskaDMV holds the power to reject or approve a vanity plate. The owner must provide meaning behind a plate while submitting their application. 
NevadaThe state allows a minimum of four and a maximum of seven characters. It will reject offensive plates or plates already issued
New HampshireThe number of characters possible depends on plate design. Spaces cannot be used, but various special characters are legal. State disallows the use of more than two special characters
New JerseyThe plate must have a minimum of three letters. The state allows a maximum of seven letters on the plate. 
New MexicoThe state allows a maximum of six or seven characters depending on the plate design. Any combination is legal except for derogatory or duplicated combinations.
New YorkMaximum of eight characters and a minimum of two. Requires approval from the DMV. The website will decline certain combinations per New York laws. 
North CarolinaDifferent plate styles have differing maximum characters. The state will reject an offensive or duplicate combination.
North DakotaThe maximum number of characters depends on the plate design. The state allows for the use of spaces, letters, and numbers. 
OhioMost plate designs allow for a maximum of six characters. The Bureau of Motor Vehicles has the final say on plate approval. 
OklahomaThe state imposes no length restrictions if the plate is on letters or if the plate is a combination of numbers and letters. A plate with numbers only is required to have seven numbers
OregonOregon law allows for personalized plates with a maximum of six characters along with a hyphen. The state will allow any combination so long as it isn’t derogatory. 
PennsylvaniaState laws allow for a maximum of seven characters. You can use a hyphen or a space, but no other special. The hyphen and space are not considered one of the characters. 
Rhode IslandAny mix of numbers and letters up to six characters. If you use letters only, you are restricted to a maximum of six and a minimum of two. 
South CarolinaThe state allows you to pick any combination of letters and numbers as long as it isn’t offensive
South DakotaThe state allows for a minimum of one character and a maximum of seven. Each space counts as a character, and you can’t use special characters. Numerals 1 or 2 alone are disallowed. 
TennesseeThe maximum number of characters varies with the model plate chosen. The maximum for any plate is seven characters. 
TexasTexas law prescribes that six-character plates have a minimum of one letter. Seven-character plates can have letters, numbers, or both. Texas law also allows for the use of symbols and spaces
UtahUtah law allows for a maximum of seven characters on the vanity plate, but some can only carry five. The licensing body will refuse to approve any offensive plate. 
VermontThe state only allows two numbers in combination with letters and prohibits the use of special characters. The laws forbid a plate that starts with the letter Z
VirginiaVirginia law allows for plates with up to seven characters. The combination must not be offensive. 
WashingtonState laws allow for a maximum of seven characters. The state will recall or refuse to approve vulgar or indecent messages. 
West VirginiaThe minimum number of characters the law allows is two, and cannot be symbols or punctuation marks. You can add up to eight characters and your plate mustn’t carry an obscene message. 
WisconsinThe state allows a minimum of 1 and a maximum of seven characters. Numbers or capital letters are the only characters allowed. 
WyomingWyoming allows for a maximum of five characters on the plate. If the combination must have numbers only, the plate must start with the zero digit
Tesla owners have proven to be quite innovative when coming up with personalized vanity plates. The list I provided up there is nowhere near comprehensive.
@Loreke76 via Twenty20

Clever Word Play in Tesla Personalized License Plates

One of the most fun aspects of owning a Tesla is the ability to create a custom license plate that reflects your personality and sense of humor.

Many Tesla owners take advantage of this opportunity to showcase their love for electric cars and their environmental impact, and to poke fun at gasoline-powered cars.

Here are a few examples of clever word play in cool Tesla license plates:

Clever Word Play on Custom Plates

Many Tesla owners choose license plates that play off the brand’s notoriety, the electric vehicle market, and the gas prices.

Some examples of such a personalized vanity plate include:

  • “VERTICALSCOPE” – a nod to the forum software
  • “DARK MODE” – a nod to the new car feature
  • “MODEL Y” – a nod to the latest Tesla model
  • “GAS GUZZLERS” – a dig at gasoline-powered cars.

Clever Word Play on Delivery Day

Many Tesla owners also choose license plates that reflect their praise for electricity and their joy on delivery day.

Some examples of clever personalized tesla license plates include:

  • “WATTUP” – a nod to the car’s electric power
  • “AMPD-UP” – a nod to the charging capacity
  • “CH4RGED” – a nod to the car’s battery capacity
  • “CLN PWR” – a nod to the environmental impact of electric cars, “ELECTRFD” – a nod to the car’s electric drivetrain
  • “ELONOILE” – a nod to the company’s founder and the light of oil dependence
  • “LOL OIL” – a nod to the decreasing need for oil and the increasing popularity of EVs
  • “ZEROMPG” – a nod to the car’s efficiency and lack of gas consumption
  • “ACDCCD” – a nod to the different types of electric current associated with Tesla
  • “KSMYGAS” – a nod to the ongoing debate about gasoline-powered cars
  • “FKGAS” – a nod to the electricity used to charge the car.

Clever Word Play on HOV Lanes

Many Tesla owners also choose license plates that reflect their ability to use the HOV lanes, a perk of owning an electric car.

Some examples of such tesla personalized vanity license plates include:

  • “HOV” – a nod to the car’s ability to use HOV lanes
  • “EV” – a nod to the car’s electric drivetrain
  • “ELEC” – a nod to the car’s electricity-powered drivetrain
  • “EV ONLY” – a nod to the car’s exclusive use of HOV lanes
  • “EV CAR” – a nod to the car’s electric drivetrain
  • “EV LANE” – a nod to the car’s ability to use HOV lanes.

More Tesla Plate Name Ideas and Options

The list below includes some more vanity and custom plate options.

  1. AMPEDUP – Showing off the Tesla’s charging power
  2. BATTMAN – A play on the superhero Batman and the car’s battery
  3. CHARGE – A nod to the car’s electric charging capabilities
  4. COOLEV – A play on the phrase “cool” and the car’s electric drivetrain
  5. CURRENT – A nod to the car’s electric current and its modernity
  6. ELONAUT – A play on the name of Tesla’s CEO, Elon Musk, and astronaut
  7. ELONMUS – A nod to the car’s founder, Elon Musk
  8. ENERGY – A nod to the car’s source of power, electricity
  9. EVGEEK – A play on the car’s electric drivetrain and the term “geek”
  10. EVHERO – A play on the car’s electric drivetrain and the term “hero”
  11. EVONLY – A nod to the car’s exclusive use of electric power
  12. FASTEV – A play on the car’s speed and electric drivetrain
  13. FUTURE – A nod to the car’s role in the future of transportation
  14. GASBYE – A play on the car’s lack of dependence on gas
  15. GOGREEN – A nod to the car’s environmental impact
  16. GREENEV – A nod to the car’s environmentally friendly electric drivetrain
  17. GREEV – A play on the term “green” and “EV”
  18. HOVLANE – A nod to the car’s ability to use HOV lanes
  19. HYPER – A nod to the car’s speed and acceleration capabilities
  20. INNOV8 – A nod to the car’s innovative technology
  21. JOLTIN – A play on the term “jolt” and the car’s electric power
  22. JUICED – A nod to the car’s fully charged battery
  23. KILOWAT – A nod to the unit of power and the car’s electric power
  24. LITEV – A play on the term “lit” and the car’s electric drivetrain
  25. LIVING – A nod to the car’s eco-friendly lifestyle
  26. LOVINIT – A nod to the car’s loveable features
  27. LUCKEY – A nod to the car’s luxury and its capabilities
  28. MINDCAR – A nod to the car’s advanced technology
  29. MODEL3 – A nod to the Tesla Model 3
  30. MODELY – A nod to the Tesla Model Y
  31. MYTESLA – A nod to the owner’s personal connection to the car
  32. NERDYEV – A play on the car’s advanced technology and the term “nerdy”
  33. NEWENER – A nod to the car’s new energy source, electricity
  34. NOEMISS – A nod to the car’s lack of emissions
  35. NOGAS – A nod to the car’s lack of dependence on gas
  36. NOICE – A play on the phrase “that’s nice” and the car’s capabilities
  37. NOOIL – A nod to the car’s lack of dependence on oil
  38. NOPOLL – A nod to the car’s lack of pollution
  39. NOPOLLT – A nod to the car’s lack of pollution and its capabilities
  40. NOSMOG – A nod to the car’s lack of smog-producing emissions
  41. NOTGAS – A nod to the car’s lack of dependence on gas
  42. NOV8 – A nod to the car’s innovative technology
  43. OILFREE – A nod to the car’s lack of dependence on oil
  44. OILOFF – A nod to the car’s lack of dependence on oil
  45. OILOUT – A nod to the car’s lack of dependence on oil
  46. ONTHEDL – A nod to the car’s fast charging capabilities
  47. PIONEER – A nod to the car’s role in pioneering electric vehicles
  48. PLUGIN – A nod to the car’s electric charging capabilities
  49. POWERED – A nod to the car’s source of power, electricity
  50. QUIETEV – A nod to the car’s quiet electric drivetrain
  51. RENEWED – A nod to the car’s renewable energy source, electricity
  52. REVIVE – A nod to the car’s role in reviving the electric vehicle market
  53. ROLLING – A nod to the car’s smooth and effortless ride
  54. SMARTEV – A nod to the car’s advanced technology and intelligence
  55. SPEEDY – A nod to the car’s quick acceleration capabilities
  56. STELLAR – A nod to the car’s superior and outstanding features
  57. STILLEV – A nod to the car’s electric drivetrain and its longevity
  58. SUPER – A nod to the car’s superior and outstanding features
  59. TECHNO – A nod to the car’s advanced technology
  60. TESLAFAN – A nod to the car’s fan base and support
  61. TESLAFD – A nod to the car’s fire department themed license plate
  62. TESLAFRD – A nod to the car’s friend themed license plate
  63. TESLAGRL – A nod to the car’s girl themed license plate
  64. TESLAMOM – A nod to the car’s mom themed license plate
  65. TESLAMVP – A nod to the car’s most valuable player themed license plate
  66. TESLASR – A nod to the car’s senior themed license plate
  67. TESLATEC – A nod to the car’s technology themed license plate
  68. TESLATRD – A nod to the car’s traded themed license plate
  69. TESLATRD – A nod to the car’s trader themed license plate
  70. TESLATRV – A nod to the car’s traveler themed license plate
  71. TESLAVET – A nod to the car’s veteran themed license plate
  72. TESLAWIN – A nod to the car’s winner themed license plate

Legal Requirements for Personalized License Plates

When it comes to personalized license plates, it’s important to keep in mind that the rules and regulations for obtaining one can vary from state to state. Here is an overview of some of the key legal requirements that you should be aware of when applying for a personalized license plate:

State Specific Requirements for Car Plates

Each state has its own specific requirements for obtaining a personalized license plate. Some states may have specific guidelines on what types of characters or words are allowed on a license plate, while others may have restrictions on certain types of plates, such as vanity plates.

For example, some states may prohibit the use of profanity or offensive language on license plates, while others may have more lenient rules.

It’s important to check with your local Department of Motor Vehicles (DMV) to find out what specific requirements apply in your state.

Application Process for EV Plates

The application process for a personalized license plate also varies from state to state. In most cases, you will need to fill out an application form and pay a fee to the DMV.

In some states, you may be required to provide proof of ownership for your vehicle, such as a registration certificate. Some states also require you to submit a photograph of the proposed license plate design.

Wait Time for Tesla Owners

You should also be aware that the time it takes for your personalized license plate to be produced and issued can vary from state to state.

Some states may have a longer wait time than others, so it’s a good idea to plan ahead and apply for your plate well in advance.

Renewals of Custom Plates

Lastly, it’s important to be aware that personalized license plates typically need to be renewed on a regular basis, just like regular license plates.

The renewal process and fee will vary depending on the state, so it is important to check with your local DMV for more information.

Can I use personalized license plates on my Tesla in any state?

The laws for personalized license plates vary by state, so it’s best to check with your local DMV to see what options are available and if any restrictions apply.

Is there a limit to the number of characters I can use on my personalized Tesla license plate?

The number of characters allowed on personalized license plates varies by state, so it’s best to check with your local DMV for specific guidelines. Some states have a maximum of 7 characters, while others may allow up to 8 or more.

Erwin Meyer
Erwin Meyer

A renowned Tesla enthusiast, and successful entrepreneur, enlightens global audiences through his compelling EV narratives. Discover more about his electric journey on his About Me page. Venture to read Erwin's incredible story that's reshaping the future of motoring. Want to spark a conversation with Erwin? Visit his Contact page, and let’s electrify the world together.